Toys to Inspire Creativity and Learning

Toys to Inspire Creativity and Learning - UKbuyzone Blog

Toys to Inspire Creativity and Learning in your kids.

In this article we are going to discuss how can you encourage your child creativity. What are open ended toys and whether too many toys are bad for your kids development. We are also going to share our picks Toys to Inspire Creativity and Learning in a fun and meaningful way.

How can you encourage children's creativity? How do you encourage open ended play?

Children are natural innovators with a magical imagination, which is important to find toys to inspire creativity and learning. Creativity is essential for intellectual, emotional and even health benefits. It also helps kids be more confident, develop social skills, and learn better.

Here are a few simple things that encourage children's creativity:

  • Designate a space for creating.
  • Keep it simple and fun.
  • Allow for free time without activities scheduled.
  • Expose your kids to the world so they can use all of their senses.
  • Discuss creativity.
  • Cultivate creative critical thinking.
  • Avoid over-parenting.
  • Help kids pursue their passions.
  • Take the time for your creativity. You are their role model, so be creative.

What are open ended toys? Which open ended toys are worth it?

What sort of toys are open-ended? Anything that does not have a way it is supposed to be used! An open-ended toy is one that can be played with in many different ways. They aren't bound to one form of play. For example, a video game can only function in one way. You can't make spontaneous changes depending on your mood. But an open-ended toy can be used to suit your child's imagination.

Can too many toys limit creativity? Can too many toys cause problems?

Fewer toys in the environment mean your kids will engage for longer periods with a single toy, providing better focus to explore and play more creatively.

In other words, playing with too many toys can result in boredom in your little ones. Furthermore, playing with one toy for a long time can irritate a child and he may look for new things to get over the boredom and even any kind of stress. Boredom comes easily because kids know they will get something new when they ask for it.

Why is open ended play important? How open ended toys helps to inspire creativity and learning?

Open-ended play materials allow children to make choices, express their creativity and support their independence.

When choosing toys for your child, ask yourself if the toy allows them to make choices about their play, and support them in strengthening their cognitive, language and social skills in the process.

Are Montessori toys better? What makes a toy a Montessori toy?

A Montessori toy is one that stimulates learning by encouraging kids to experiment. It should be a toy that they can hold and touch, as learning to manipulate objects is key in helping children develop their fine motor skills. The toy should also allow them to work independently at their own pace and use their creativity.

Our 5 picks for Toys to Inspire Creativity and Learning:

Kids Drum Playset

#1 - The Magic Toy Shop Child's 10 Piece Drum Kit With Stool

A child’s brain is a sponge. Playing an instrument such as the drums is beneficial for their cognitive development.

  • Teach children coordination

  • Expressing their emotions

  • Learning the drums can lead your kids to become calmer

  • Learning the drums at a young age to improve concentration

  • Develop their creativity

  • Improving a child’s reactions

  • Improve your relations

  • Playing the drums can improve your child’s discipline


Kids Kitchen Play Set

#2 - The Magic Toy Shop's Kids Pretend Kitchen Role Play Set

As any pretend play toy, this gorgeous kitchen will encourage creativity and imagination in your kids. It will also support social and emotional development. Furthermore, it will help improve your little one's language and communication skills.

This kitchen pretends play set will also stimulate learning and problem-solving skills in your kids. It will even enhance physical development.

Highlights of some of the benefits:

  • Creativity and Imagination.

  • Language and Communication.

  • Social Skills and Teamwork.

  • Planning and Organisation.

  • Life Skills.

  • Independence and Self-Confidence.

  • Problem Solving.

  • Numeracy.


Kids Learning Tables

#3 - The Magic Toy Shop Child's 2 in 1 Learning Desk and Magnetic Easel


This 2 in 1 Magnetic Easel and Learning Desk is an excellent educational tool that will help your child developing cognitive skills and improving hand-eye coordination. Therefore, an easel would make a perfect gift for a toddler and preschooler. Also, creative arts has many other benefits for your child like social development, motor skill development among other benefits.

  • Perfect for multiple kids

  • Easy to put together

  • Well built

  • Reasonably priced

  • Easy to assemble

  • Safe, non-toxic material

  • Strong magnets

  • Stable when standing

  • A variety of magnetic symbols for extensive learning

  • This easel set comes with magnetic letters, numbers and signs. Included also are a pack of chalks, sponge and eraser marker pen.


 Kids Cleaning Trolley Play Set

#4 - The Magic Toy Shop Kids Cleaning Trolley Cart Toy

The most beneficial toys engage a child’s senses, spark their imaginations and encourage them to interact with others. As an example, this cleaning trolley toy allows your child to learn more about tasking and responsibility while they develop their motor skills. For example, tasks that personally affect your kids, such as cleaning their room or doing their laundry, can help them become more self-reliant at the same time.

The most beneficial toys engage a child’s senses, spark their imaginations and encourage them to interact with others. As an example, this cleaning trolley toy allows your child to learn more about tasking and responsibility while they develop their motor skills. For example, tasks that personally affect your kids, such as cleaning their room or doing their laundry, can help them become more self-reliant at the same time.

Children can learn a lot from playing and this play set is a great way to encourage that.

kids 2 in 1 portable tool bench carry case toy building construction workbench play set

#5 - The Magic Toy Shop Child's 2 in 1 Portable Tool Bench


As a parent, you want to make sure your kid's developmental needs are being met. This makes finding toys that help with gross and fine motor skills as well as pretend-play hard to come by. This bench provides children with the opportunity to refine their hand-eye coordination, along with their fine motor skills.

  • Great for developing fine motor skills.

  • Made of high-quality materials for safety.

  • Can be used inside the house or out in the yard.

  • Provides plenty of interactive components.

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